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Giorgi Matveev

Who Am I:
Giorgi Matveev - St. Louis Guitar Lessons

Giorgi Matveev is a guitar player with a flair for versatility. Born in McMinnville, Oregon and spent 6 years of his childhood in Rio Verde, Brazil. Giorgi was exposed to a wide array of different musical styles and fell in love with the guitar at a very young age.

In 2014 after 2 years in college studying music theory, jazz guitar, and classical guitar, Giorgi started teaching professionally. As a seasoned instructor, Giorgi guides students through the diverse landscape of musical styles, from the soulful blues to the intricate rhythms of jazz and the high-energy riffs of rock and metal. With a mastery of various genres and music theory, Giorgi ensures a well-rounded and adaptable learning experience.

When he is not teaching, you can find Giorgi in the shop helping out customers, or you may see him behind a camera shooting photos and videos for the shop.

On his free time he works as an independent music composer and creates videos for his personal Youtube channel.

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